Thursday, November 10, 2005

funny acronyms

WIPRO =Weak Input, Poor & Rubbish Output

HCL = Hidden Costs & Losses

TCS = Totally Confusing Solutions

C-DOT =Coffee During Office Timings

HUGHES = Highly Useless Graduates Hired for Eating and Sleeping

BAAN = Boring Assosciation and Needs

IBM = Implicitly Boring Machines

SATYAM =Sad And Tired Yelling Away Madly

PARAM =Puzzled And Ridiculous Array of Microprocessors

HP =Hen Pecked

AT&T =All Troubles & Terrible

CMC =Coffee, Meals and Comfort

INFOSYS =INFerior Offline SYStems

DEC= Drifting & Exhausted Computers

BFL =Brainwash First, and Let them go

DELL =Deplorable Equipment & LackLusture

TISL =Totally Inconsistent Systems Ltd

PSI =Peculiar Symptoms of India

PCL =Poor Computers Ltd

SPARC =Simply Poor And Redundant Computers

SUN =Surely Useless Novelties

CRAY =Cry Repeatedly After an Year

TUL =Troubles Un Limited

CTS =Coffee, Tea and Snacks

ICIM =Impossible Computers In Maintenance

BPL= Below Poverty Line.

NIIT= Not Interested in IT

TIL Totally In Loss



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